Monday, December 11, 2006

Holy Crap!

I've been having trouble with my iPod. For a while. Like, for the last few months. I couldn't get it to do anything. I tried to turn it on, and it told me to refer to Apple support. However, I just managed to fix it. How? I took it apart. That's it. I opened it up, disconnected the hard drive (thing's freaking TINY!), looked at it for a few minutes, and put it back together. I start it up, and aside from my settings being lost, it works perfectly fine again. All my songs are there, everything is perfectly fine. Very strange.

That is all.

May the Force be with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like my reverse wiring.

Don't question that it works, just... go with it :)

11/12/06 13:40  
Blogger Qantravon said...

I don't question it, believe me. I just note it, so that others may learn from the wisdom of complete accidental restoration.

11/12/06 20:40  

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